
View the Project on GitHub ruixuantan/ip

User Guide

Duke is a desktop chatbot application that allows users to track their daily tasks and financial expenses. It is optimised for users who are good at typing.

Duke Ui

Table of Contents

Setting up Duke

  1. Ensure either Java 11 or 13 is installed on your computer.
  2. Download the latest version of Duke here.
  3. Move the jar file downloaded into any folder of your choice.
  4. Run the command: java -jar ip.jar to start Duke:


Notes regarding the format used in this guide:

  1. Formats with {input field} are meant to be input as input field only, without the curly brackets.
  2. Formats with (task)OR(expense) mean that you would only need to enter either task or expense, not both.
  3. After typing out a command, hit enter or click on the ‘send’ button to execute it.

Adding Todos: todo

Adds todos to Duke. Todos are basic forms of tasks.

Format: todo {description}

Example: todo read book

Duke response:

I have added the task:
[T][✗] read book
You now have 1 tasks.

Adding Events: event

Adds events to Duke. Events are tasks that are tagged with a time.

Format: event {description} /at {time}

Example: event CS2103T meeting /at 0800

Duke response:

I have added the task:
[E][✗] CS2103T meeting (at: 08:00)
You now have 2 tasks.

:bulb: Tip: The {time} must be of a 24h format, without any symbols separating the hour and minutes.

Adding Deadlines: deadline

Adds deadlines to Duke. Deadlines are tasks that are tagged with a date and time.

Format: deadline {description} /by {date} {time}

Example: deadline return book to library /by 01-12-2020 1200

Duke response:

I have added the task:
[D][✗] return book to library by (by: Dec 01 2020 12:00)
You now have 3 tasks.

:bulb: Tip: The {date} has to be of the following format: dd-mm-yyyy, with hyphens separating the day, month and year. The {time} must be of a 24h format, without any symbols separating the hour and minutes.

Adding Payables: pay

Adds payables to Duke. Payables refer to expenses that you have spent.

Format: pay {description} ${amount} /on {date}

Example: pay lunch $5 /on 02-12-2020

Duke Response:

I have added the expense:
[P] lunch (on: Dec 02 2020), $5.00
You now have 1 expenses.

:bulb: Tip: The {amount} can be of the following forms: 5 or 5.00 (0 or 2 decimal places). The {date} has to be of the following format: dd-mm-yyyy, with hyphens separating the day, month and year.

Adding Receivables: receive

Adds receivables to Duke. Receivables refer to money that is passed to you.

Format: receive {description} ${amount} /on {date}

Example: receive from Duke $100.10 /on 03-12-2020

Duke Response:

I have added the expense:
[R] from Duke (on: Dec 03 2020), $100.10
You now have 2 expenses.

:bulb: Tip: The {amount} can be of the following forms: 100 or 100.00 (0 or 2 decimal places). The {date} has to be of the following format: dd-mm-yyyy, with hyphens separating the day, month and year.

Listing Tasks or Expenses: list

Lists either all tasks or expenses in Duke.

Format: list (task)OR(expense)

Example: list expense

Duke Response:

Here is what I have found:
1. [P] lunch (on: Dec 02 2020), $5.00
2. [R] from Duke (on: Dec 03 2020), $100.10

Deleting Tasks or Expenses: delete

Deletes the task or expense, as specified by the index passed in.

Format: delete (task)OR(expense) {index}

Example: delete task 3

Duke Response:

Noted. I've removed:
[D][✗] return book to library by (by: Dec 01 2020 12:00)
You now have 2 tasks in the list

Completing Tasks: done

Marks a task as complete.

Format: done {index}

Example: done 2

Duke Response:

You have completed this task:
[E][✓] CS2103T meeting (at: 08:00)

:bulb: Tip: Only tasks (todo, event, deadline) can be marked as done!

Searching for Tasks or Expenses: find

Lists all tasks or expenses with descriptions matching your input.

Format: find (task)OR(expense) {search description}

Example: find task meeting

Duke Response:

Here is what I have found:
2. [E][✓] CS2103T meeting (at: 08:00)

Exiting Duke: bye

Exits Duke when you enter this command. Alternatively, you can click on the close button of the application. Both methods will save the tasks and expenses you have input. However, it is recommended to use the bye command instead as it informs you if the tasks and expenses you have input have been saved.

Format: bye

Example: bye

Duke Response:

Goodbye. Hope to see you again soon.

:bulb: Tip: In the event where Duke is not able to save the tasks and/or expenses, do the following: Within the folder you have moved Duke into, search for a folder named data. If it does not exist, create a new folder named data. Next, within this data folder, if the following text files do not exist: task_storage.txt and expenses_storage.txt, create them.